Making socializing easy for mental health sufferers

Making socializing easy for mental health sufferers


A specialist care organization that provides supported housing for Vulnerable Adults with mental health needs, challenging behaviour, learning disabilities and individuals recovering from substance abuse and other complex needs.


Service users come to Comfort Care to get a secure environment before their transition back into the community. At comfort care, services users have social interactions with staff and other service users daily. However, a lot of of them don't have a good social network or strong ties to their family. So when they leave, they go back to their homes where they feel isolated and lonely.


To solve this problem. I interviewed service users at one of Comfort Care's supported housing "Hillingdon Retreat". After interviewing several users I found out the main problems, service users faced when it came to socializing with others.

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Following that, I created personas using the insights from my research. Because I couldn't create an MVP for all the users. I focused on the primary user Lucy. Keeping Lucy's problem in mind, I brainstormed solutions as to how we might help her interact with others in a supportive environment.

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Next, I did a competitive analysis to find out what features currently exist in similar apps on the market. My research also showed that they were many apps to help people socialize however none catered to vulnerable adults who are anxious about socializing.

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Next, I created a user flow to help me visualize what steps Lucy might take to book a workshop in her local area.

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Using the user flow, I created wireframes which I prototypes and tested with users. After testing I found that the payment screen needed to be changed as you could select multiple buttons at the same time which is confusing to users. So, I added a radial button for a better user experience.

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I then worked on the branding of the app. I created a Logo, Mood boards and a style guide.

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Finally, I added visual design to the prototype and tested it again with users.


Coming soon!!!